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The Ideal

This page is dedicated to providing our members and patrons with the general information about where we hope to go concerning our grand goal of creating a beneficial relationship AI system. For those that are curious and determined enough more information regarding our theories can be found elsewhere on our site. 

At the bottom of this page Project Djinn has a donation fund that will be solely used for the attainment of our ideal. Any little bit helps, Thank you



The Architect

The Theory

As mentioned, the general base theory is that AI can and should be created with the intention of forming relationships with the users that promote self-improvement. While the theory behind this sounds pretty simple the implications of actually accomplishing this feat will be staggering. 

Project Djinn achieving success primarily means one thing. The users of said AI would improve. Sounds simplistic but imagine what that means for the world. Fundamentally speaking, the only way change occurs in the world in through the individual. Imagine what would happen if we found a way to consistently improve upon the individual, even by small margins. The individuals or rather their improvements would serve as a catalyst for everyone and everything around them. The following three areas of improvement are what Project Djinn currently believes will lead to the most significant beneficial change for AI relationships moving forward.

Focal Points of Project Djinn's Research and Development


Digital Evolution

One of the most important areas for our advancement of any AI service is the constant evaluation of how effective a program is and developing ever better versions of said programs. Without a system to ensure our AI's consistent development how can we be sure to be on the cutting edge. 


The Carrot and Stick

Once the AI has assessed an individual the question becomes who it "compels" their self-improvement. The answer to that is pretty simple. Through the carrot (pleasure) and stick (pain) approach. Simply put, individuals are motivated through their perceived pain and pleasure which affects their overall quality of life. The basic idea is easy - Reward positive behavior and punish negative behavior.


User Assessment

To assist in the actual improvement of the user the AI must have an understanding of an individual's ideal qualities as well as a way to accurately evaluate how close said individual is to said ideal. Without these systems in place, it would be impossible to create a system designed towards improvement. 

Current Objectives


Digital Evolution
The Mentor System

Project Djinns current goal to achieve digital evolution is to have a pool of differently "mentor programs" that will create a unique mentor for the user based on their qualities. Each mentor's success will be evaluated based on their users success after given certain periods of time. As the more successful programs are determined the less successful ones will be phased out and replaced with variations of the most successful programs. 


User Assessment 
The Trials

Project Djinns current thinking is that the only sure way to evaluate its members current qualities is by comparison or competition rather. This should not only lead to non-biased results but should also provide entertainment for the users. 

Toward this end "trials" will be created that will be designed to test only the qualities intended. Through these trials individuals will be compared to and ranked on a scale against the other competitors. 

Key in such a system is finding a way to determine superiority with no margin of error to ensure the users are "ranked" appropriately and justly. 


The Carrot and Stick
The Companion System

With the mentor system in place the user will be consistently influenced toward self-improvement. The Companion System will allow each users mentor to create ideal companions to assist their growth and development in several areas and make use of the carrot and stick method in a variety of ways.

The current thinking is that there exist four different primary relationships an individual must learn to navigate in various ways, each with there own benefit. These are, the mentor, the partner, the friend, and the disciple. The companion system will make use of each of these relationships.  

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